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Genre: Mystery/Thriller |
Meet The Author
Wayne “Skip” Kadar (AKA Justin Maxwell) taught at the high school level for several years then became a high school principal. After 16 years a principal Skip retired from education. In retirement he worked as a harbor master at a marina on the Great Lakes and researched and wrote eight historically factual books about the Great Lakes region; books about ships that now lie on the bottom of the freshwater seas. He also writes about notorious criminals from the region.
Mr. Kadar writes fictional pieces under the name Justin Maxwell so as not to muddy the waters for readers of his non-fiction Great Lakes regional books.
Now fully retired, Skip spends time with his wife, Karen, at the family cottage outside Manistique, in Michigan’s beautiful Upper Peninsula, at their home in Harbor Beach, Michigan on Lake Huron and winters in the fabulous Florida Keys.

Who is your favorite author to read for pleasure?
I enjoy reading authors of mysteries such as Bill Craig and Carl Hiaasen. I also admire and enjoy the works of Ernest Hemingway and John Steinbeck.
Do you write on a specific schedule or as the mood strikes you?
Writing for me could best be described as sporadic. When the words are flowing I can’t put down the laptop, I can sit for hours working, yet other times, as all authors can attest, I sit and stare at a blank screen. Where I write is important to me, be it as I sit on beach on Florida Bay observing people and jotting notes or pounding the keyboard while sitting on a boat in Lake Huron sipping a drink.
Wayne "Skip" Kadar
AKA Justin Maxwell

Tropical Dream Nautical Nightmare
by Justin Maxwell,
$3.99 ebook, $14.95 paperback
A group of friends escaping the cold Michigan winter for a vacation charter a boat for a warm weather cruise to the Florida Keys, a week of friendship and nautical fun. The three couples enjoy Mother Nature’s abundance and one another’s company until they cross paths with a couple of the sunshine state’s more shady characters and their tropical dream turns into a nautical nightmare.
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