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Book Submissions Absolutely Amazing eBooks is NOT a "vanity" publisher. You do NOT pay us to publish your book. As a legitimate third-party publisher, we only accept books for publication that we believe have merit. Since we are publishing the book at our expense, your say-so on the book's layout, final editing, cover design, and/or promotions will be limited. Do not expect to tell us how to publish the book to your specifications. If this isn't agreeable, please do not submit your book to AAeB. Absolutely Amazing eBooks takes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or book proposals. While we are happy to consider them, they are made at your own risk with AAeB assuming no liability. Absolutely Amazing eBooks does not accept manuscripts that are submitted to multiple publishers at the same time. Should we become aware that you have done so, we will cease consideration of your manuscript and refuse to review future submissions. Inquiries about a proposed book should be addressed to submissions@absolutelyamazingebooks.com. Any book accepted is subject to the terms of the Absolutely Amazing eBooks Publishing Agreement. This standardized agreement is common to all AAeB authors. As a general practice, Absolutely Amazing eBooks simultaneously publishes books in electronic formats (i.e. ebooks) and as a print-on-demand paperback edition. When Making A Book Proposal to Absolutely Amazing eBooks Keep your book proposal brief and succinct. Please supply the following information as is available: • Book’s proposed title. • Author’s name and email address. • Copyright holder's name and email address (if different). • Genre of proposed book. • A short paragraph describing the proposed book. • A proposed date when a completed manuscript might be available. Or send the completed manuscript itself. When Submitting a Manuscript to Absolutely Amazing eBooks The manuscript should be your final, finished version, as clean and free of spelling or grammatical errors as you can possibly make it. While the publisher edits and carefully proofreads all books that we publish, we cannot be responsible for author's typos or after-the-fact editorial changes. (Excessive corrections may result in surcharges -- see Possible Surcharges.) Manuscripts must be submitted electronically (MS Word preferred). Paper manuscripts will not be considered. The manuscript should be one continuous document (i.e. not separate documents for each chapter or story or section). Manuscripts should be complete – with no missing parts in the body of the work (e.g. dedication, preface, acknowledgments, etc.). Manuscripts ideally should be provided in Microsoft Word format. Documents should not be "locked" or Read-Only. Do not include page numbers in the manuscript. Please do not add spacing between individual paragraphs. Do not include headers or footers in the manuscript. Please be aware that footnotes will typically appear at the end of an ebook, not at the bottom of a page. Book covers, authors' photographs, or other images (if part of the submission) should be jpg images with a resolution of 300 dpi which is equivalent to 1,320 ppi. These should be separate from the MS word document. After you have submitted a manuscript is NOT the time to come up with a better ending, or rephrase a paragraph, or substitute a better word. That is part of your upfront writing process, not part of the publishing process. (After-submission author’s alterations (AA's) may result in surcharges. After-publication author's alterations (AA's) definitely will result in surcharges. (See Possible Surcharges.) Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation • Use a single typeface (font) consistently throughout your manuscript. We recommend Georgia or Times New Roman. • Please use the Format Document function to set up the margins on your page. Do not use tabs or space bar to adjust margins haphazardly. If you change margins within your document, do so knowingly and sparingly. • Use the justification functions (left, right, center, justify) to position your text rather than using the tab key or space bar. • Do not use the tab key or space bar to create paragraph indentions. Set them using your Format Paragraph function. • Do not hit the Return key at the end of each sentence, as you might do on an electric typewriter. In a word processing document, words seamlessly flow from line to line. • Do not add page breaks after each page in your manuscript. Only add page breaks at the end of chapters or other sections. Please do this by using the "Page Break" command under MS Word's Insert pull-down. • Similarly, if you wish to create a list such as this one, use the Bullets or Numbers command, not the tab key or space bar. • When pictures or graphics are involved, use the Insert Photo command rather than dragging or cutting and pasting your image into your document. • Only use one space at the end of a sentence. • Do not use drop caps. We will add them (or not) in preparing a paperback edition. • Ebooks do not allow for very much customization or page design. Ebooks are more "plain vanilla" while paperback editions can be more highly designed. That's the nature of the technology. These few practices will go a long way to insuring that your ebook does justice to your creation as well be pleasing to the reader's eye. Note: Electronic documents will not be returned.