Basics of . . .
Florida’s Judicial System
Basics of ...
Florida’s Judicial System
An Explanation for Everyday People (Legal Series Book 5)

by Albert L. Kelley, Esq.
$14.95 paperback

We live in a country of laws. The law impacts literally every aspect of our lives. The production of food is controlled by laws, including what pesticides a farmer uses, the quality of meat, or the listing of nutritional information on the packaging. Our medicines go through testing and an approval process before they can legally be sold. Laws are not guidelines; they are rules. And as rules, they must be enforced. For enforcement we turn to judges. Judges are the officials who are charged with interpreting our laws and enforcing those laws among all of us. In law school, we learn civil and criminal procedure, ethics, and legal research. We learned about the three parts of government in our high school civics class. But even in law school, while we are taught to respect the judges, and how to read their rulings, we are not taught about being a judge or what judges are like, except on a historical context. Who are these judges? How do they become judges? What are their qualifications? Why should we listen to them? These are just some of the questions that are answered in this book. Here you will discover how the judiciary system works, details they do not teach in civics or in law school.
Florida’s Judicial System