Outdoor / Travel
Fishing The Devil's Triangle in a Drug War
Fishing The Devil's Triangle
in a Drug War:
Some adventures of the notorious Captain Cross Bones,
with some misadventures of the infamous Captain Narly Spiker

by Captain Cross Sea Bones,
$3.99 ebook, $14.95 paperback

Facts, theories, secrets and fiction based on actual events, the guts of this story may stink with their truth. All the objects of the prepositions have been changed to protect the guilty if they are still alive. Any resemblance to the ancient living is just that or your fault. There is a respectful exception for some of the dead. This printing is dedicated to The Bear, who in many minds is a mighty fisherman, and to the hard, tough, scarred up and humorous characters that make sure the seafood gets to the packing house.
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Fishing The Devil's Triangle in a Drug War