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Absolutely Amazing eBooks
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Murder in Key West and Other Island Mysteries,
edited by Shirrel Rhoades,
$3.99 ebook; $14.95 paperback
Long known as a literary haven, Key West also serves as backdrop for some of the world's best mystery stories. For the first time ever, eight of Key West's leading mystery writers are collected into one volume. Included here are stories by Tom Corcoran, Michael Haskins, Jonathan Woods, Lucy Burdette, Hal Howland, Mike Dennis, Jessica Argyle, and Shirrel Rhoades. "Can’t-put-'em-down stories by Key West’s best mystery writers," observes legendary Reef Perkins.
edited by Shirrel Rhoades,
$3.99 ebook; $14.95 paperback
Long known as a literary haven, Key West also serves as backdrop for some of the world's best mystery stories. For the first time ever, eight of Key West's leading mystery writers are collected into one volume. Included here are stories by Tom Corcoran, Michael Haskins, Jonathan Woods, Lucy Burdette, Hal Howland, Mike Dennis, Jessica Argyle, and Shirrel Rhoades. "Can’t-put-'em-down stories by Key West’s best mystery writers," observes legendary Reef Perkins.