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Absolutely Amazing eBooks
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Mystery / Thriller
A New Era Begins:
Treachery Abounds and Evil Ascends:
A Surprising Journal (Book 3)
by J. Allen Clary,
$3.99 ebook, $14.95 paperback
An Intriguing Tale … A Haunting Legend Emerges: For more than a decade, a terrible storm had quietly brewed on Jadus I just beyond the eyes of those who cared. Ominous and dangerous, a festering hate had remained dormant for years, patiently waiting as the time to spring forth inexorably drew closer until that day finally arrived. Jadus I, a model of world freedom throughout the Galen Seven galaxies, was on the brink of another world war. An old enemy had re-emerged, with the power and intentions to rule the planet. Standing firm against a sinister evil was a legend come back to life, the mighty Jadra Warriors, an absolutely fearless sect of fighters, who, for 1,000 years, had never experienced defeat. Led by King Deanus, the Predators of Appeon were ready to fight and die, to insure their planet remained free of oppression for all the following generations to come.
Treachery Abounds and Evil Ascends:
A Surprising Journal (Book 3)
by J. Allen Clary,
$3.99 ebook, $14.95 paperback
An Intriguing Tale … A Haunting Legend Emerges: For more than a decade, a terrible storm had quietly brewed on Jadus I just beyond the eyes of those who cared. Ominous and dangerous, a festering hate had remained dormant for years, patiently waiting as the time to spring forth inexorably drew closer until that day finally arrived. Jadus I, a model of world freedom throughout the Galen Seven galaxies, was on the brink of another world war. An old enemy had re-emerged, with the power and intentions to rule the planet. Standing firm against a sinister evil was a legend come back to life, the mighty Jadra Warriors, an absolutely fearless sect of fighters, who, for 1,000 years, had never experienced defeat. Led by King Deanus, the Predators of Appeon were ready to fight and die, to insure their planet remained free of oppression for all the following generations to come.